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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14, 2016

The Morning News

Photos of worldwide memorials to Orlando—including in places where it’s illegal to be gay.

Orlando shooter was enough of a regular at Pulse to have been kicked out before.

Clinton backs assault weapon ban.

A timeline of the NRA and gun makers’ wildly successful manipulation of American politics.

Trump declares war on the First Amendment, revokes Washington Post‘s press credentials.

Roundtable of progressive leaders discuss what they think Bernie should do next.

“Taken at face value, Ryan and the GOP’s new anti-poverty plan may be, at a minimum, a starting point for compromise.”

With a pollution problem ignored as solved, Mexico City’s air degrades to compare with worst in the world.

The world is choosing electricity over fossil fuels because it’s cheaper.

Microsoft’s massive LinkedIn purchase is part of a strategy to corner the “professional cloud” with Office.

“The Internet, in its vastness, induces a sense of personal powerlessness that can be relieved by joining a crowd—until the crowd reshapes itself, and must be joined again.”

Harvard “suspunk” designers imagine installations in the security state inspired by suspicious packages.

Replacing addresses with a unique three-word phrase sounds nuts, but the first large-scale test is coming to Mongolia.

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