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Thursday, April 30, 2020
In the nation’s worst outbreak in a federal penitentiary, 443 of Terminal Island's 1,055 inmates have the coronavirus.

Try our morning Headlines Newsletter for all of our normal links, plus the day's news in context.

Is Real Estate The Next Shoe To Drop - Part 3

Our continued research into the state and status of the Real Estate market continues to point to a process that is starting to unfold in the US which may put price and activity levels at risk. Within the past two segments of this research article, we’ve highlighted how market cycles and recent market data point […]
The post Is Real Estate The Next Shoe To Drop - Part 3 appeared first on INO.com Trader's Blog.
Great Earnings From Tech Giants Will Fuel Optimism - Here’s Why You Need To Be Careful
Great Earnings From Tech Giants Will Fuel Optimism - Here’s Why You Need To Be Careful
A photograph of the newly discovered comet "SWAN" and its impressive tail.

In case you’ve heard talk of “the allostatic load”—basically the wear and tear on bodies when repeatedly exposed to stress.

While it feels like I’m doing nothing most days, my brain is still dealing with the anxiety and strain of this pandemic. I’m exhausted not because my body is working hard, but because my brain is.
"How are you?" feels weak as a conversation starter right now. Maybe try “How are you coping?”

Thousands of people are attempting to build a 1:1 recreation of the planet inside a Minecraft map.

Much about the pandemic is maddeningly unclear. Part of that is due to its scale and pace, but part is our own fault.

A lack of expertise becomes problematic when it’s combined with extreme overconfidence, and with society’s tendency to reward projected confidence over humility.
↩︎ The Atlantic
Gorgeous posters over the years for the New York Film Festival.

Half of American adults say they find it difficult to sift through what is true and what is not about the coronavirus.

Stethoscopes, sound meters, sensor arrays: understanding the ways we listen to cities.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Matthew McConaughey, and Tamara Shopsin all say your need an ASG (arbitrary stupid goal) to survive each day.

Here’s something that my mom said to me and I think it’s very true in terms of happiness: You have to always have something to look forward to. It can be a very minor thing, and it can be a major thing. But you always have to have something you’re looking forward to next.
↩︎ Austin Kleon
Did the Romans invent recycling? Researchers at Pompeii say “staging grounds for cycles of use and reuse” lie outside city walls.

Charted: rush for dollar liquidity fades

NDF access will help tame rupee volatility, say dealers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Mel Baggs, who blogged extensively about life as a person with non-verbal autism, has died at age 39.

Experimental archaeologists are deciphering ancient combat techniques by recreating one-on-one fights with replica weapons.

Scientists say that if the pandemic had come a year later, they might have been able to stop it from spreading on airplanes.

"If the first results from antibody surveys in the US are anything to judge by, simply not enough people are immune."

The head of a Japanese physicians' group says holding the Olympics in 2021 without a vaccine will be "exceedingly difficult."

Finding inspiration in the peaceful calm of Marfa Public Radio.

It took, conservatively, four days of lockdown for me to hate every song I’ve ever heard. Opening Spotify and scrolling through my stupid playlists, most of which are crafted for shit I can’t do anymore, like “commute to work” and “hang out with my buds,” quickly became an exercise in self-hatred.
"Every day now looks like the weekend." Spotify says people's daily listening habits have significantly changed during quarantine.

Friends of illustrator Jason Polan—who died in January—hope to turn his work into a commemorative USPS postage stamp.

A soothing visualizer of DJ Python's wonderful new album, Mas Amable.

A soothing visualizer of DJ Python's wonderful new album, Mas Amable.
The largest mall owner in the US will reopen 49 properties this weekend—though some tenants may decide to remain closed.

Creative toasts, including zen gardens constructed using condiments, nuts, and other toppings, by Manami Sasaki.

How the coronavirus could rebuild economics—e.g., the free market can't be the solution to everything.

A roundup of all the ways summer might temporarily slow the spread of COVID-19—from heat and humidity to fewer indoor activities.

A time-lapse of artist Paul Barton painting portraits with the help of his daughter from birth to age five.

A time-lapse of artist Paul Barton painting portraits with the help of his daughter from birth to age five.
5-Steps to Overcoming Any Trading Issue – Trading Psychology

Traders tend to make the same one or two mistakes over and over again. Here’s a five-step process to help stop the self-sabotage.
In a trading psychology group I am part of, a question was posed on whether there was a program to specifically target a trader’s psychological issue. Issues that may be preventing him or her from executing trades according to a trading plan (or not making a plan at all). The works of…
The post 5-Steps to Overcoming Any Trading Issue – Trading Psychology appeared first on Vantage Point Trading.
The lockdown is estimated to reduce emissions by 5.5% this year—but we need them to go down 7.6% every year until 2050.

Those afraid to return to work won't be eligible for unemployment, providing states with a massive, perverse incentive to reopen.

Is Real Estate The Next Shoe To Drop - Part 2

As we continue to delve into the looming Real Estate crisis that will likely hit the US and globe over the next 12 to 24+ months, we want to focus on the human psychological process of dealing with a crisis event and how that relates to economic engagement. In the first part of this research […]
The post Is Real Estate The Next Shoe To Drop - Part 2 appeared first on INO.com Trader's Blog.