Last week, the comedian and writer Laurie Kilmartin used Twitter to document the final hours of her mother’s life.
So I am just watching my mom sleep and cough in her hospital bed, over Facetime, trying to gulp down these last moments having a mom. This is all happening so fast.
— Laurie Kilmartin (@anylaurie16) June 13, 2020
I just held an iPad to my chest and wailed, “i love you I love you, I’m sorry, dont leave me,” which is great pratice for when I use this same iPad for post-quar Tinder.
— Laurie Kilmartin (@anylaurie16) June 17, 2020
A practical tip/ if your loved one is hospitalized during COVID, you need two phone lines. One for Facetime and one to call the nurse station ask for things like water and chapstick etc.
— Laurie Kilmartin (@anylaurie16) June 14, 2020
Aaaaand we’re on morphine now. When my dad was dying, I said there’s a reason why “morphine” sounds like “more fun” and I stand by that joke.
— Laurie Kilmartin (@anylaurie16) June 13, 2020
You can find a round-up of her tweets here in a story from the Los Angeles Times.
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